Karachi Mayor Announces High Alert for Staff and Machinery Amid Continued Rainfall

Karachi: As a powerful rain system persists over Karachi, Mayor Barrister Murtaza Wahab has announced that the city’s response teams and machinery are on high alert to manage the ongoing weather conditions. The mayor detailed efforts to keep main roads and underpasses clear and to monitor stormwater drains during his inspection of affected areas on Wednesday.

According to Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, “Mayor Karachi Barrister Murtaza Wahab stated that the city has been experiencing a mix of light to heavy rainfall for the past two days. In response, all relevant municipal staff and machinery have been mobilized to address water accumulation and ensure smooth water drainage. Continuous monitoring and maintenance of the stormwater drains are being conducted to prevent flooding, especially in low-lying areas.”

Mayor Wahab also highlighted that despite the challenging conditions, major thoroughfares and underpasses have remained passable, and attention is being focused on areas like the Nursery, which are prone to waterlogging. He expressed satisfaction with the ongoing efforts of the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation teams who are working round the clock, utilizing de-watering pumps in critical areas to manage the accumulated water effectively.

The mayor has urged citizens to remain cautious while driving during the rains to avoid any potential accidents and assured that the municipality is prepared to handle any further challenges posed by the continuing rainfall.