Karachi Celebrates Independence Day with Historic Building Illuminations

Karachi: In celebration of Independence Day, Karachi’s historic buildings were illuminated, highlighting their architectural beauty and the city’s rich heritage. Mayor Karachi Barrister Murtaza Wahab expressed that these illuminations serve as a beacon of the city’s vibrant community spirit, especially during national celebrations.

According to Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, the initiative targeted several key landmarks including the KMC Building, Frere Hall, Khaliqdeena Hall, Kothari Parade, and Merewether Clock Tower. The illumination aimed to enhance the aesthetic appeal of these structures, underscoring their historical importance to the city’s identity.

Mayor Wahab noted the enthusiastic response from the citizens, reflecting a widespread appreciation for the effort to beautify the city on such a significant occasion. He emphasized the importance of preserving Karachi’s historical sites and educating new generations about their cultural value. The mayor affirmed the ongoing commitment to such initiatives, ensuring that Karachi’s historical legacy is celebrated and maintained.