Kachhi Intensifies Price Control Efforts Ahead of Eid to Curb Illegal Profiteering

Kachhi, In a proactive move to ensure affordability during the Eid celebrations, the Kachhi administration, under the guidance of Deputy Commissioner Captain Retired Jameel Ahmed Baloch, conducted a price control committee meeting. Chaired by Assistant Commissioner Mach Arslan Khan, the session focused on combatting illegal profiteering and securing the supply of essential food items at reasonable prices to the public.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, Assistant Commissioner Khan emphasized the administration’s commitment to taking stringent measures against vendors who engage in overpricing during the festive days. He highlighted the urgency of the situation, noting that no tolerance will be shown towards those exploiting the festive occasion by charging exorbitant prices.

The meeting laid out a plan to ensure the availability of quality goods at fair prices, urging the local business community to cooperate with the government’s efforts. The aim is to strike a balance where traders can still achieve reasonable profits without burdening the consumers. Additionally, municipal staff have been mobilized to maintain cleanliness in market areas, further enhancing the shopping experience for residents during Eid.

The efforts in Kachhi represent a broader initiative to protect consumers and support equitable economic practices, ensuring that festivities are not marred by financial exploitation.