Kachhi Holds Open Court to Address Community Concerns Following Chief Minister’s Directive

Kachhi: Acting on directives from the Chief Minister of Balochistan, an open court was organized in Kachhi to directly address the grievances of local residents. The forum, led by Assistant Commissioner Arslan Khan, provided a platform for citizens from various sectors to voice their concerns, ranging from the spread of drug use to the lack of public amenities like parks and sports facilities.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the open court saw participation from a diverse group of individuals, who presented a multitude of issues including the need for the restoration of the Machh bridge and enhanced security in the Kankanan area. Assistant Commissioner Khan emphasized the provincial government’s commitment to resolving these issues swiftly, ensuring that basic facilities and services are accessible to all citizens.

During the session, residents submitted written requests for resolution of smaller, localized problems. Immediate directives were issued to officers present to address these matters, while other more significant concerns were promised attention within a week. The open court initiative aligns with the provincial government’s policy to engage directly with citizens, ensuring their problems are addressed transparently and efficiently.

Assistant Commissioner Khan reiterated the administration’s dedication to swiftly remedying the identified issues, highlighting the government’s priority of serving the public and enhancing the quality of life for the residents of Kachhi.