JKLF Advocates for Peaceful Resolution in Kashmir Dispute

Islamabad: The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) has reiterated its commitment to a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir conflict, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and non-violent measures.

According to Kashmir Media Service, JKLF Chief Spokesman Muhammad Rafiq Dar expressed the party’s longstanding position on engaging constructively in resolution processes, critiquing the use of force and interim political measures such as state elections in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) as ineffective. Dar labeled these elections as inadequate, failing to address the core aspirations of the Kashmiri people, and predicted they would not produce hopeful outcomes.

Dar underscored the JKLF’s dedication to peaceful methods by citing past initiatives such as ceasefires, signature campaigns, and participation in dialogue processes led by the detained party Chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik. He called for the unconditional release of all Kashmiri political detainees, including Malik, and urged the commencement of a resolution process. Furthermore, Dar applauded the efforts of the Kashmiri diaspora, particularly the Kashmir Global Council’s creation of the “Kashmir Senate” to represent diverse community interests in the state.

He concluded by urging India, Pakistan, and local political entities to foster a new era of trust and friendship, mindful of the longstanding human sufferings endured by the Kashmiri populace.