JKDFF Urges Implementation of 1949 UN Resolution on Kashmir in Paris Event

Paris, The Jammu Kashmir Democratic Forum France (JKDFF) organized an event in Paris to remind the international community and the United Nations of the UN resolution passed on January 5, 1949, which promised a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, key members of the JKDFF, including Chaudhry Maqsood Ahmed, Sardar Akhlaq Ahmed, Asif Jaral, Faraz Ahmed, Ali Chaudhary Por, M. R. Tahir Mirza, and French Coordinator Asad Ishaq, participated in the program. The forum emphasized the significance of the 1949 resolution in the context of the ongoing Kashmir dispute.

The JKDFF stated in a press briefing that the event was aimed at highlighting the global community’s responsibility towards resolving the Kashmir issue. The forum expressed concern over the prolonged wait of Kashmiris for the realization of their right to self-determination, criticizing India’s refusal to acknowledge this right as a violation of the United Nations Charter.

The forum also argued that India’s stance on Kashmir contradicts its claim of being a democratic republic. It labeled India as a major impediment to the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination. Furthermore, the JKDFF pointed out the unilateral actions taken by India on August 5, 2019, asserting that these actions reinforced India’s status as an occupying power. Despite these measures, the forum declared that the Kashmiri people’s demand for self-determination could not be suppressed through military force.