JKDFF Asserts India Cannot Suppress Kashmiri Voices Through Force

Paris: The Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Forum France (JKDFF) has declared that Indian military strength cannot suppress the voice of the Kashmiri people, setting a firm stance against what it perceives as Indian aggression in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the JKDFF, during its Central Executive Committee meeting in Paris, committed to challenging Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s policies on Kashmir at international forums. The meeting, co-chaired by Chairman Sardar Ikhlaque and President Asif Jarral, resolved to intensify the Kashmiri freedom struggle and refine strategies for liberation from Indian control.

Participants of the meeting voiced their strategies and pledged to engage regularly with the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to report human rights abuses in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir. Furthermore, the group plans to reach out to the European Union through French and other EU member states to encourage the EU Parliament to address the rights violations occurring in the region.

In a proactive step, the JKDFF has scheduled a webinar for August 2, aiming to gather intellectuals from South Asia and the Kashmiri diaspora in the West. This webinar will focus on discussing and exposing what the JKDFF describes as New Delhi’s “nefarious designs,” particularly highlighting the controversial repeal of Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution.

The meeting also expressed strong disapproval of the Indian judiciary’s recent rulings against prominent Kashmiri figures, including Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik. The JKDFF is calling for the unconditional release of all detained Hurriyat leaders and activists, underscoring a critical moment in the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination and freedom.