Japan Grants $300,800 to Support Development Projects in Pakistan

Islamabad, In a significant contribution towards Pakistan’s development and flood rehabilitation efforts, the Government of Japan has pledged grant assistance totaling USD 300,800 (approximately PKR 84 million) to five local non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This funding aims to support various development projects across Pakistan, with a focus on reconstructing infrastructure damaged by the devastating floods of 2022.

According to Embassy of Japan in Pakistan, the grant contracts were formalized in Islamabad on March 5, 2024, by Mr. Wada Mitsuhiro, Ambassador of Japan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and representatives from the beneficiary NGOs. The NGOs set to implement these vital projects include the Association for Behavior and Knowledge Transformation (ABKT), Fortified Services for Reforms and Transformation (FSRT), Actions For Human Advancement (AHAT), Lok Sudhar Association, and Safe Hands Foundation.

The projects encompass a wide range of initiatives, from the reconstruction of flood-damaged suspension bridges and school buildings to the establishment of an ophthalmology operation theater and the construction of a primary school equipped with a solar system. Specifically, ABKT’s project will focus on rebuilding three suspension bridges in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region to secure safe passage for school children and community members. FSRT’s efforts will aim to reconstruct a girls’ primary school in the Malakand Division, enhancing the area’s literacy rate. AHAT will rebuild a primary and middle school in Punjab’s Tehsil Jampur, while Lok Sudhar Association plans to expand eye care facilities in Havelian. Lastly, Safe Hands Foundation will construct a primary school building in village Khaisata Gul Kalay, offering a significant boost to child education in one of the region’s most vulnerable areas.

Ambassador Mitsuhiro expressed his hope that these projects, in collaboration with local communities, would significantly uplift the living standards of the Pakistani people at the grassroots level. The grant reflects Japan’s ongoing commitment to supporting Pakistan’s social wellbeing and recovery from natural disasters, promising further flexible and timely assistance to local NGOs in the future.