Mumbai, May 17, 2023 (PPI-OT): Representatives from several organisations in Jalgaon city of the Indian state of Maharashtra have demanded strict action against speakers at an event held by Hindutva organization Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS) in Dharangaon area of the city. The speakers at the event held last month delivered hate speeches against Muslims and incited the participants to an economic boycott of the minority community.
The delegation comprising members of diverse religious backgrounds submitted a memorandum to Superintendent of Police M. Rajkumar, urging an FIR filed against the perpetrators who indulged in spreading social disharmony and fear-mongering. The written complaint was received by Deputy Superintendent of Police Gavit, on behalf of the SP, media reports said. The delegation pointed out that such speeches and gatherings were creating a harmful and dangerous environment for Muslims as open calls for violence and taking up arms against Muslims were also made. The speakers, the delegation claimed, exhorted the Hindu gathering to “chop the religious minority into small pieces”.
The memorandum emphasised that police inaction in taking cognizance of the hate speeches was detrimental to prevailing peace in the region. Last week, on May 10, Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) urged senior police officials in Jalgaon to take immediate action against those who spread venom against the Muslim community at the said event. Khaliddada Deshmukh, the spokesman for the delegation, reiterated that a peaceful and determined movement of citizens from diverse walks of life would be sustained to counter all these attempts to harm social peace and harmony.
The delegation included among others Advocate Karim Salar, Khalildada Deshmukh, Azhar Khan (City President Pragatik Vichar Manch), Sunil Shinden (All India Backward and Minority Communities Employees Federation), Dilip Sapkale (Savarkar Rickshaw Union), Amrita Netkar (Youth Front District President, AAP), and Rizwan Jagirdar (Insaniyat Foundation). Deshmukh said, “Against the propaganda of Hindutva people, we secular, humanist-minded activists will not take the law into our hands and do unconstitutional acts, but will continue the legal, peaceful fight with humanist-minded activists like Teesta Setalvad and Citizens for Justice and Peace.”
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