Islamabad Seminar Honors Kashmiri Women’s Cultural Guardianship

Islamabad, A seminar in Islamabad, organized by the International Kashmir Lobby Group and the Youth Forum for Kashmir in association with the National University of Technology, recognized the critical role of Kashmiri women in preserving their cultural heritage. The event, aligning with the eve of International Women’s Day, paid homage to the fortitude of these women amid ongoing challenges in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the seminar titled “International Women’s Day: A Tribute to the Resilience of Kashmiri Women,” featured a diverse panel of speakers who celebrated the indomitable spirit of Kashmiri women. The event included a documentary screening that illuminated the hardships and achievements of these women in their struggle for cultural preservation and peace.

Dr. Shazia Sobia Aslam Soomro, a member of the National Assembly, underscored the significant role played by Kashmiri women in the region’s cultural conservation and peace advocacy. Sana Mirza, a senior anchorperson, called for the elevation of Kashmiri women’s voices and their inclusion in the decision-making sphere. Abdul Hameed Lone, a Hurriyat leader, acknowledged their unyielding resilience, especially amid the atrocities such as the Kunan Poshpora incident.

The seminar also received the patronage of dignitaries such as Maj Gen Raz Ali Khan and AVM Muhammad Asif Aslam, who presented souvenirs to the speakers, marking the recognition of the participants’ contributions.

Furthermore, APHC-AJK leader Muhammad Zahid Safi, during a Kashmir Conference in Sheikhupura, Punjab, critiqued India’s policies in Kashmir, stating that the attempts to quell the Kashmiri determination through oppressive measures have not and will not succeed. He reinforced the narrative of resilience among the Kashmiri populace against New Delhi’s strategies.