Islamabad, In a recent crackdown, the Islamabad Capital Police have arrested three individuals accused of shooting at police personnel, resulting in the injury of a Dolphin Squad officer in Sector E-11. The incident, which occurred during a rapid response to gunfire reports in the area, has prompted a thorough investigation and widespread calls for citizen vigilance.
According to Islamabad Capital Police, the confrontation began when the Dolphin Squad was alerted to gunfire in Sector E-11 and immediately deployed to the location. The accused reportedly fired upon the police from a vehicle, injuring one officer. The assailants initially escaped, leading to a case being registered at Shalimar Police Station and an immediate order from Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan for the formation of special teams to pursue the perpetrators.
Utilizing a combination of technical and human intelligence, the police were successful in tracing the vehicle used in the attack and arresting three individuals connected to the incident. Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan has directed senior officers to ensure a swift and thorough investigation to bring those responsible to justice.
The Islamabad Capital Police have also issued a call to the public, urging anyone with information about suspicious persons or activities to report them through the “Pucar-15” or “ICT-15” app, as part of their efforts to maintain safety and security in the capital.
Further investigation into the shooting is underway, as the police work to uncover the motive behind the attack and assess the full scope of the incident. The injured officer has been receiving medical care since the event, and the community has been reminded of the critical role they play in supporting law enforcement efforts to combat crime.