Islamabad, In an educational venture aimed at enhancing understanding of urban safety operations, student volunteers from Iqra University toured the Safe City and Operations divisions in Islamabad. The visit, which was part of the Friend of Police program, provided the students with firsthand insights into the cutting-edge technologies and strategic processes utilized by the Islamabad Police.
According to Islamabad Capital Police, the students were welcomed by senior police officers including the SSP Operations Division and SSP Safe City, who were acting under directives from the Inspector General of Police, Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi. The students visited key facilities such as the command and control center, the data hub unit, and were briefed on the functionality of modern, technology-equipped cameras and the police operations center hall.
The briefing included detailed explanations of the operational benefits and procedures of the Safe City project, which plays a crucial role in managing city security and emergency responses through facilities like the Emergency Control Center, Data Hub Unit, Dispatch Control Center, and the E-Challan System. The students also learned about the Pucar-15 helpline’s significant impact on enhancing police responsiveness.
Furthermore, the visit to the Operations division provided insights into the daily procedures that underpin the effectiveness of the police force in patrolling, crime prevention, and ensuring the safety of the city’s residents. The students expressed their appreciation for the sophisticated systems in place and extended their gratitude to the IGP and his team for the insightful visit.