IPS Conference Highlights Strategic Use of Truth and Youth in Advocacy for Kashmir

Islamabad: A significant session at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) emphasized the importance of employing truth and proactive diplomacy to advance Pakistan’s narrative on Kashmir. This approach, combined with the engagement of informed youth, aims to counteract prevailing narratives that minimize the issue’s international significance.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during the session titled “Kashmir’s Struggle after the Revocation of Articles 370 and 35A,” speakers outlined the necessity of integrating Kashmiri youth in advocacy efforts to maintain the issue’s visibility on the global stage. This strategy is deemed essential in challenging views that portray the Kashmir dispute as an internal matter of India and underplay the human rights violations occurring there.

The conference featured insights from various experts, including a documentary viewing and discussions led by political figures and scholars who reinforced the need for consistent international advocacy and the strategic use of digital platforms to engage global audiences. The emphasis was on empowering youth through education and media to disseminate the Kashmir narrative effectively.