International Concerns Mount Over Human Rights Abuses in Kashmir

Islamabad: The global community has voiced increasing concerns regarding India’s human rights practices in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). These concerns, which include arbitrary arrests and frequent internet shutdowns, were recently discussed at a Human Rights Committee session in Geneva.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during her weekly press briefing in Islamabad, Baloch highlighted the discussions at the Human Rights Committee’s periodic review on India. The international human rights bodies have expressed alarm over the ongoing situation in IIOJK, reflecting significant international attention on the region’s deteriorating human rights landscape.

Baloch emphasized the severity of the human rights violations and the continuous suppression of the Kashmiri people by Indian authorities. She urged the international community to acknowledge and act against these abuses and called for an end to the harsh conditions faced by the residents of IIOJK.

The Foreign Office reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to supporting the Kashmiri people politically, diplomatically, and morally, stressing the need for a concerted international effort to address and resolve the human rights issues in the region.