Intensified Censorship and Crackdown on Dissent in Indian-Administered Jammu and Kashmir

Srinagar: The media landscape in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir has entered a severe phase of censorship since the revocation of the region’s special status in August 2019, with heightened measures to suppress dissenting voices and control information flow.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the Indian government has escalated its efforts to stifle free expression, targeting journalists, activists, and ordinary citizens. Many have been arrested for their social media posts, while surveillance practices such as phone tapping and close monitoring of online activities have become more pervasive. These actions are often justified under the broad and ambiguous banner of “national security.”

This stringent censorship regime has not only silenced legitimate political discourse but has also cast a shadow over India’s democratic credentials on the global stage. The suppression of the Kashmiri voice is seen not as an absence of dissent but as a forced silence imposed by systematic governmental actions.

As the situation continues to deteriorate, there is an urgent call for international attention to the dire human rights and freedom of speech violations occurring in the region. The global community is urged to recognize and address the extreme measures being employed to conceal the realities faced by the people of Jammu and Kashmir.