India’s Billionaires Prosper as Poverty Persists, Reveals New Report

Islamabad, As India continues to register rapid economic growth, a stark contrast emerges in the nation’s wealth distribution, with billionaires experiencing soaring prosperity while millions remain mired in poverty. This widening gap highlights the unequal benefits of India’s economic boom.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the luxury and extravagance of India’s elite, exemplified by a $150 million pre-wedding party thrown by Mukesh Ambani that featured pop star Rihanna, has ignited widespread criticism among the populace. This event has come to symbolize the disparities under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration, which critics claim has failed to deliver equitable economic progress. Reports of skewed wealth distribution suggest that the richest 1% of Indians now control over 40% of the nation’s wealth, a disparity greater than during the colonial era, as per findings by the World Inequality Lab.

The ongoing economic challenges, including rising inflation and chronic unemployment, particularly affect rural areas and the lower income bracket, casting doubt on Modi’s claims of inclusive growth as he seeks re-election. The government’s focus on high-profile, wealthy projects has drawn criticism for neglecting fundamental public services and effective job creation strategies, leading to increased frustration among the country’s youth and economically disadvantaged.