Indian troops targeting youth in IIOJK to suppress Kashmiris’ freedom struggle

Srinagar, August 12, 2023 (PPI-OT):Indian troops, enjoying unbridled powers under black laws, are openly targeting innocent youth in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir to suppress the Kashmiris’ ongoing struggle for securing their right to self-determination. According to a report released by Kashmir Media Service on the occasion of International Youth Day, today, Indian forces’ personnel are brutally murdering Kashmiri youth for demanding their fundamental rights, including their inalienable right to self-determination as per the United Nations.

It said the youth in the occupied territory are being targeted, killed and arrested during cordon and search operations by Indian troops, paramilitary and police personnel on a daily basis. The report said that the Indian troops had intensified extra-judicial killings of the Kashmiri youth since 5th August 2019 when Narendra Modi-led Indian government repealed the special status of IIOJK and imposed military siege in the territory. It pointed out that the Indian troops have martyred 60 Kashmiri youth and arrested as many as 2774 this year so far while 96,225 Kashmiris, mostly youth, had fallen to the Indian bullets since 1989 till date in IIOJK.

The report said thousands of Kashmiri youth along with Hurriyat leaders, Ulema, women, journalists and human rights activists are facing illegal detentions since long time in different jails of India and IIOJK. The report said that the Modi regime must understand that no amount of brutalization, military might and anti-Kashmiri policy will be able to subjugate the Kashmiris. It said, India can kill the Kashmiri youth but it cannot defeat their stand and sentiment for freedom. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are determined to continue their struggle till complete success, it said.

The report said history is witness to the fact that freedom movements and political future of the people cannot be suppressed through the use of military might and state terrorism. It said the world community, particularly the United Nations, is duty-bound to stop injustice, brutalities and merciless killing of youth in IIOJK and it must come to the rescue of the Kashmiris. India must be held accountable for its heinous crimes and continued human rights violations in the occupied territory, it added.

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