New Delhi, The Indian Supreme Court has upheld the decision of the Narendra Modi government to abrogate Jammu and Kashmir’s special status, a move that contradicts the region’s disputed status and India’s historical commitment to a plebiscite in Kashmir.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the court’s verdict was broadcast live on Indian television channels. The decision has been met with criticism from various quarters. Pro-freedom parties in occupied Jammu and Kashmir have previously agreed that the Modi-led Indian government is utilizing its judiciary to further its Hindutva agenda in the region, and they see this verdict as part of that trend.
The move to revoke the special status was initially challenged in the Indian Supreme Court by local politicians, often regarded as pro-Indian. Legal experts have expressed surprise and disappointment at the court’s decision, describing it as a travesty of justice. They argue that the verdict demonstrates a collaboration between India’s top judiciary and the RSS-BJP regime, with the objective of erasing Kashmir’s unique identity and its Muslim character. These experts contend that for Kashmiris, accepting the decisions made on August 5, 2019, would mean a loss of their honor and identity. They lamented the perceived saffronization of the Indian judiciary, particularly since Modi’s rise to power in 2014.
The ruling has significant implications for the region of Jammu and Kashmir, as well as for Indian domestic politics and its international relations, especially with neighboring Pakistan.