Srinagar, Indian police have attached properties belonging to four more Kashmiri people in Kupwara district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), continuing the Modi-led Hindutva government’s efforts to seize land and resources from the region’s residents.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the attachment is part of a broader strategy by the Indian government to displace Kashmiri people from their land in the occupied territory. The properties were attached through court orders in the Handwara area of Kupwara district. A police spokesman confirmed that the owners of these properties are currently absconding and have migrated to Azad Kashmir.
The properties attached include Mumtaz Ahmad Khwaja’s land measuring ten Marlas in Kralgund, Lateef Ahmad Butt’s land measuring 16-3/4 Marlas in Badra Payeen, Mushtaq Ahmad Mir’s land measuring 01 Kanal and 2 Marlas in Ashipora, and Ghulam Nabi Ganai’s land measuring 01 Kanal in Khaipora.
Indian police have declared 51 more Kashmiri people as absconders, indicating that they may face similar property confiscations. The Indian judiciary appears to support the Modi government’s agenda, aligning with its policies to strip Kashmiri people of their land and properties in IIOJK.
The police statement added, “Further action is also being contemplated against them under the law.”
The ongoing attachment of properties and the declaration of absconders are part of India’s attempt to control and suppress the people of IIOJK, raising concerns about human rights and the future of the region’s residents.