Indian National Congress President Accuses BJP of Punishing Kashmiris by Curtailing Democratic Rights

Srinagar, Vikar Rasool Wani, President of the occupied Jammu and Kashmir chapter of the Indian National Congress, has criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Indian government, accusing it of punishing Kashmiri people by depriving them of their democratic rights.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during a meeting with party activists in Srinagar, Wani emphasized the Congress party’s commitment to highlighting and addressing the sufferings of the people, along with safeguarding their rights, which he claimed have been under attack since the BJP government took power in India.

The meeting also focused on the current political situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The discussion highlighted concerns over the impact of the suppression of democratic rights on the region’s populace, framing it as a form of punishment and disempowerment by the central government.