Allahabad, January 26, 2023 (PPI-OT):The Allahabad High Court has granted the anticipatory bail to General Secretary of Hindutva organization Vishwa Hindu Sena, Digvijay Choubey, who had threatened to demolish the Gyanvapi masjid complex in the Varanasi city of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Besides approving the bail plea, Justice Subhash Chand Sharma, also invoked a ban on the arrest of the Hindutva leader.
Digvijay Choubey had threatened to “make the condition of Gyanvapi like Babri”. In August last year, Digvijay Choubey had announced to perform Hindu religious rituals on the premises of the historic mosque. He also threatened to demolish the mosque. He was arrested after a case was filed against him at the Bhelupur police station in Varanasi. However, the anticipatory bail has been granted until the police file the chargesheet, Indian media reported.
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