Srinagar, In the lead-up to the Indian parliamentary elections in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, local police have launched a widespread crackdown, arresting hundreds of youths, Hurriyet activists, Ulemas, and journalists across the region.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the BJP-led government, supported by armed forces and intelligence agencies, has intensified house raids and cordon and search operations as part of security measures for the elections, scheduled in five phases from April 19 to May 20. This crackdown aims to suppress any dissent or critical voices in the run-up to the polls.
Journalists and rights activists in particular are facing severe repression. Many have been summoned or detained for their online activities, with authorities particularly targeting those who express opposition to the BJP or its local affiliates. This suppression extends to widespread censorship on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and even extends to monitoring private communications such as phone calls.
The local media in IIOJK are under strict orders not to report anything that could be seen as critical of the Indian government’s policies or actions, effectively silencing legitimate political discourse in the name of national security. Political analysts in the region have noted that since the revocation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status in August 2019, censorship and governmental control have drastically increased, pushing the region into what they describe as a state of military and police rule.
The current atmosphere in IIOJK highlights a significant escalation in efforts by the Indian authorities to ensure compliance and quash any form of resistance or criticism, raising serious concerns about the state of democracy and human rights in the region.