Srinagar, March 28, 2023 (PPI-OT): In present-day India under the Hindutva government of Bharatiya Janata Party led by Narendra Modi, saffronization or politicization of the Indian military is no more a matter of dispute. Indian armed forces are fast getting indoctrinated with the Hindutva ideology since the advent of BJP government in India in 2014, as the Modi regime has been encouraging military officials to subscribe to ideas and policies of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh RSS, said a report released, today, by Kashmir Media Service.
Interestingly, the report said, the BJP leaders without an iota of shame refer to the Indian armed forces as “Modi ki Sena (Modi’s Army)”. The development is in line with the long-standing commitment of the RSS and BJP nexus to instill the Hindutva ideology in the Indian Army and other forces. As a part of the plan, late General Bipin Rawat was promoted as first Chief of Defense Staff because of his support to the ideology.
Former Lt. Gen of Indian Army HS Panag has expressed his concern over politicization of Indian Army in the “worrying trend” words. Without naming Hindutva, he said, top brass of the Indian Army is getting too closely identified with religion and the ruling party. The report said that presently only 2% Muslims are serving in Indian armed forces against population, which is 14% of the country’s total population.
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