Definitive source of press releases from federal and provincial governments and their departments


Indian Activists Denounce Surge in Hate Crimes Against Minorities Under Modi Government

New Delhi: Leading Indian social activists have voiced strong objections to the escalating number of hate crimes against minorities in India, particularly under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the activists, including prominent names like Dr. G.G. Parikh, Medha Patkar, and Tushar Gandhi, issued a statement asserting that despite a public rejection of divisive politics in recent elections, the BJP-led government continues to ignore this mandate. They accused BJP leaders of exacerbating communal tensions by scapegoating minorities for political losses. The statement calls on the Leader of the Opposition and other political figures to take immediate action in Parliament and publicly to protect minority communities and curb the growing trend of hate crimes, urging the Chief Justice of India to intervene judicially against the hate speeches and ensure accountability.