India waging hybrid war against Pakistan to achieve its nefarious designs

Islamabad, October 20, 2021 (PPI-OT):India is engaged in a continuous hybrid war against Pakistan on many fronts and using all its power to systematically destabilize Pakistan. An analytical report released by Kashmir Media Service, today, said India is spreading fake news against Pakistan to portray it as a failed state, a sponsor of terrorism and a supporter of terrorist outfits.

“India is constantly using information war as a major hybrid tool against Pakistan. It is promoting terrorism in Afghanistan and inside Pakistan by all available means,” it deplored. The report said, EU DisinfoLab has further exposed India’s nefarious designs against Pakistan, maintaining that disinformation network run by New Delhi-based Srivastava Group was designed to discredit Pakistan globally.

“New Delhi’s propaganda against Islamabad and Kabul has been exposed several times by Pakistan. India’s disinformation network is meant to create a negative impression of Pakistan in the comity of nations,” it said.

The report pointed out that India through its disinformation campaign is trying to criminalize the Kashmiris’ resistance, on one hand. While on the other, it added, New Delhi is attempting to malign Pakistan to divert the attention of the world community from the grave human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian troops in IIOJK.

“Pakistan handed over to the UN last year a dossier involving India in terrorist activities inside Pakistan. It issued another dossier, last month, exposing the scale of war crimes and human rights violations by Indian forces in IIOJK. The 131-page dossier which contains details on fake encounters, false-flag operations and the use of rape as a tool of war, in addition to the war crimes and rights violations by Indian occupation forces in the occupied territory,” it added.

The report said, Modi-led India’s hybrid war tactics against Pakistan and the Kashmiris’ freedom movement have exposed its true fascist face. It said New Delhi’s hybrid warfare strategy speaks volumes about its hegemonic designs in South Asia. It maintained that the Kashmiris’ struggle for securing their right to self-determination is based on UN charter and Pakistanis and the Kashmiris are determined to foil India’s hybrid war tactics against them.

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