Srinagar, In a significant security operation ahead of the Indian Lok Sabha elections, the Indian government has announced the deployment of 635 companies of paramilitary forces to Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). This move is part of a larger deployment strategy that includes a total of 3400 companies across 36 states and territories, aiming to secure the electoral process in a region where the central government’s claim of stability is under scrutiny.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the deployment in IIOJK is a portion of a broader security measure across India, with over 50% of the forces assigned to West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, and Jammu and Kashmir. This allocation highlights the strategic importance and sensitive nature of these areas during the electoral period. West Bengal will see the highest number of deployments, with 920 companies of the Indian Central Armed Police Force, followed by 360 in Chhattisgarh, underscoring the government’s focus on maintaining peace and order during the elections.
The security arrangement in IIOJK will be coordinated by ADG Law and Order Vijay Kumar, serving as the State Police Nodal Officer, and Chief Electoral Officer Pandurang Pole, who will oversee the movement and deployment of forces. Additionally, 36 companies of the Central Armed Police Force will be dedicated to guarding strong rooms and managing counting centers in the territory, ensuring the integrity of the electoral process.
This deployment reflects the Indian government’s efforts to secure the Lok Sabha elections in regions with complex security challenges, highlighting the importance of a stable and secure environment for the democratic process. The deployment in Jammu and Kashmir, in particular, draws attention to the ongoing security concerns and the government’s measures to address them during a critical time for Indian democracy.