New Delhi: In a move that has raised alarm among press freedom advocates, Indian tax authorities have revoked the non-profit status of The Reporters’ Collective (TRC), a New Delhi-based digital media outlet known for its investigative journalism.
According to a statement by Kashmir Media Service, authorities justified the move by claiming that TRC’s journalism does not serve a public purpose. This is despite the organization’s impactful investigations, such as exposing how the Indian government handed over 62% of new Sainik Schools to the RSS, the BJP, and its allies.
The Reporters’ Collective, operating as a registered non-profit trust since July 2021, has earned recognition for its investigative reporting, journalist training, and research initiatives. In a press release, the organization condemned the decision, calling it a significant setback for independent journalism in India.
“We began as an informal group bootstrapping from our meagre resources,” the Collective stated. “Since July 2021, we have operated as a formal registered non-profit trust, funded by citizens.” The group strongly asserted that “journalism done right is a public good” and emphasized its work holding powerful entities accountable, particularly for marginalized communities.
The revocation of the group’s non-profit status is expected to severely hinder its operations. “This decision directly impairs our ability to function and exacerbates the challenges for independent, public-serving journalism in the country,” the organization said.
Despite the setback, TRC remains committed to investigative journalism and plans to pursue legal remedies to protect its right to report freely and without fear. “We stand by our colleagues, whose courage and perseverance continue to produce journalism that serves the public,” the statement added.
The revocation of TRC’s non-profit status follows similar actions taken against at least two other media outlets operating under charitable trusts and tax exemptions. Among them is the Bengaluru-based Kannada website The File, which received a notice in December 2024.
This decision comes amid mounting concerns over press freedom in India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, with independent media outlets facing increasing scrutiny and regulatory pressure. Advocacy groups warn that such actions may undermine the role of the media in holding those in power accountable, eroding democratic safeguards.
India’s press freedom has been a growing concern, as highlighted by its ranking of 159th in the 2024 World Press Freedom Index, according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF).