Srinagar, In an ongoing clampdown in Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian government has banned nine organizations over the past five years, citing their pro-freedom stances as the primary reason for the action under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).
According to Kashmir Media Service, the entities targeted for prohibition include prominent groups like Jamaat-e-Islami, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), and seven others, all identified for their active roles in advocating for Jammu and Kashmir’s autonomy or independence. These organizations have been instrumental in the region’s pro-freedom movements, representing a significant voice within the political landscape of the disputed territory.
The enforcement of these bans reflects the central government’s stringent approach to dissent and separatist sentiment in Jammu and Kashmir, aiming to curtail activities perceived as threats to national integrity. The decision has significant implications for the political dynamics and freedom of expression within the region, potentially impacting the broader discourse on its future status and governance.