India Accused of Manipulating Kashmir Elections to Maintain Control

Islamabad: Indian authorities are facing accusations of manipulating the ongoing assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir to fortify control over the region, amidst claims of deploying security forces and spreading misinformation. Critics argue that these actions are part of a broader strategy to suppress pro-freedom sentiments and mislead the electorate.

According to Kashmir Media Service, political experts and analysts observe that following losses in recent state elections, the BJP, supported by the RSS, is leveraging anti-Hurriyet and anti-Pakistan rhetoric to influence voters in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir. The strategy reportedly includes falsely accusing local Kashmiri parties and Pakistan of fostering unrest, aiming to secure significant seats in the assembly through these divisive tactics.

The reports indicate a systematic replacement of bureaucratic, civil, and police personnel in the Kashmir Valley with individuals aligned with BJP-RSS ideologies. Additionally, it is alleged that security forces with similar ideological leanings have been strategically placed in all police stations across the region.

The intensification of military and police operations has led to the arrest of numerous individuals advocating for peace and freedom, with prominent Hurriyet leaders among those detained. Over 5,000 people are reportedly incarcerated in both local and Indian jails under various charges.

This aggressive security posture and the arrest of political leaders starkly contrast with official Indian claims of restoring peace and normalcy in the region. There are also accusations of the Indian forces perpetuating violence along the Line of Control, using false encounters and disinformation to achieve political ends and maintain dominance over the disputed territory.