India Accused of Intensifying Control in Kashmir Through Property Seizures

Islamabad, Reports are emerging of increased Indian government activity in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, specifically targeting the confiscation of properties belonging to local Kashmiris, particularly those involved in the pro-freedom movement.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in Baramulla district alone, properties of seven individuals have recently been seized. These actions are part of a continuing effort by Indian authorities to clamp down on dissent and suppress the self-determination aspirations of the Kashmiri people. Critics have described these moves as a form of settler colonialism aimed at weakening the indigenous claim to the land and altering the region’s demographic composition.

Human rights organizations have expressed concern over these practices, suggesting they are intended to demoralize and displace the Kashmiri population. The documented demolitions of homes by Indian forces are seen as exacerbating the already tense situation in the region, with significant implications for human rights and regional stability.