IIOJK High Court Penalizes Magistrate for Unjust Detention under Draconian Law

Jammu: The High Court of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir has imposed a Rs 10,000 penalty on the district magistrate of Jammu for the unjust detention of Surjeet Singh under the controversial Public Safety Act (PSA).

According to Kashmir Media Service, the court’s decision came after a detailed examination of the detention order, which Justice Atul Sreedharan criticized for its vague reasoning and inadequate justification, particularly highlighting the confusing language used in the document. The case involved four criminal allegations against Singh, most of which were interpersonal and not relevant to state security.

This led the court to question the application of the PSA, a law often used to detain individuals without trial. The court ordered Singh’s immediate release and mandated the magistrate to pay the penalty out of his personal funds, providing a stark reminder of legal accountability in cases of administrative overreach.