Lahore: In response to the ongoing monsoon rains affecting various parts of Punjab, Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, has issued directives for the police force to enhance their involvement in relief and rescue operations throughout the province.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Anwar emphasized the need for heightened vigilance and proactive engagement by the police in areas impacted by recent rainfall, including Lahore. He instructed supervisory officers to personally oversee the rescue and relief efforts, ensuring effective coordination with the Punjab Disaster Management Authority (PDMA), district administrations, and rescue organizations.
The IG highlighted ongoing efforts to manage the adverse effects of the rains, including water drainage collaborations with the Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) and other relevant bodies. With the expectation of continued rainfall, Dr. Anwar urged all police personnel to remain alert and ready to respond swiftly to any emergent situations, prioritizing the safety and well-being of affected citizens.