IG Punjab Lauds Police for Security During Muharram

Lahore: Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, has praised the police force for their exemplary security arrangements during the first decade of Muharram-ul-Haram. Under the leadership of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the police ensured comprehensive security measures across the province, with over 38,000 majalis and 10,700 processions being securely managed.

According to Punjab Police, the extensive security strategy involved more than 135,000 officers and personnel, who diligently performed their duties to maintain peace and order. The arrangements included heightened surveillance, strategic deployments at sensitive locations, and close coordination with military and ranger forces to ensure the safety of all participants. Dr. Usman Anwar personally supervised the security arrangements and visited various key locations to ensure that all measures were effectively in place.

The IG Punjab also visited Mayo Hospital to check on the well-being of SP City Captain (Retd) Qazi Ali Raza and his operator, both of whom were slightly injured during duty. He commended the bravery and dedication of the officers and emphasized the continuous need for vigilance to protect the community. The successful management of Muharram events across Punjab reflects the effectiveness of the security forces in handling large-scale religious gatherings and their commitment to public safety.