Lahore, Inspector General of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, has embarked on a mission to enhance the infrastructure and operational capabilities of police offices in Lahore, focusing on modernization and improved service delivery to citizens. This initiative was highlighted during his recent inspection of the offices of DIG Operations and CTO Lahore, where he reviewed various departments including the operations room, Khidmat Markaz, and traffic licensing branch.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Anwar was briefed on official matters by DIG Operations Ali Nasir Rizvi, while CTO Lahore Amara Athar provided insights into the traffic police office’s functioning. The visit underscored the IG’s commitment to upgrading police facilities to meet modern requirements, aiming to transform the DIG Operations and CTO offices into state-of-the-art establishments equipped with the latest facilities and resources.
Dr. Anwar’s directives focused on expediting service delivery processes and making the driving licensing procedure more accessible to citizens. He emphasized the importance of providing all possible facilities to individuals coming to obtain a driving license, ensuring that services are delivered on merit.
The presence of senior police officers, including DIG Operations Lahore Ali Nasir Rizvi, SSP Operations Ali Raza, and CTO Lahore Amara Athar, during the IG’s visit, signifies the collective effort towards improving the efficiency and effectiveness of police operations in Lahore. This initiative is expected to significantly benefit the public by streamlining procedures and enhancing the overall experience of interacting with police and traffic departments.