Karachi, In a significant move towards supporting the health and welfare of the police force in Punjab, Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has released 21 lakh rupees for the medical treatment of police employees across various districts. This initiative is part of a broader effort to ensure the well-being of the police force, with substantial funds allocated for medical expenses.
According to Punjab Police, this latest financial assistance includes 10 lakh rupees provided to injured constable Muhammad Arsalan for his medical expenses. Constable Abdul Kaleem, an injured driver from Multan, received 5 lakh rupees for treatment. Additional funds were distributed among several other injured police personnel, including Constable Imran Ali of Lahore, who received 2 lakh rupees, and Ghazi Constables Kashif Farhan of Faisalabad and Zafar Iqbal of Sialkot, each granted 1 lakh rupees. Similarly, Ghazi Constable Muhammad Ashraf and Head Constable Ehsan ullah from Sialkot were also provided with 1 lakh rupees each for their medical needs.
The Compensation Award Committee, led by Additional IG Welfare Riaz Nazir Gara, played a crucial role in reviewing and forwarding these cases to IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar for the release of the funds. In a statement, IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar highlighted the record amount spent on the welfare of the police force during the current year. He further announced plans to increase the health welfare fund of the police force in the upcoming year, indicating a sustained commitment to the health and well-being of police employees.
This financial support reflects the Punjab Police’s ongoing dedication to its members’ welfare, ensuring that those injured in the line of duty receive adequate medical care and support.