Lahore, Under the leadership of Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, Punjab Police has introduced significant welfare measures aimed at improving the lives of police employees and their families across the province.
According to Punjab Police, the department has allocated an unprecedented amount of over 81.48 crore rupees in the first three months of 2024 alone, addressing various needs such as health, education, and other essential services. A spokesperson for Punjab Police detailed the extensive financial support provided, including over 338.3 million rupees in educational scholarships for children of police personnel, approximately 9.59 crore rupees for medical assistance, and 19.4 crore rupees as wedding gifts for daughters of police employees.
The welfare initiatives also included distributing 91.6 lakh rupees in urgent financial aid, 1.87 crore rupees in funeral assistance, and 6.84 crore rupees as a farewell grant for retiring employees. Maintenance allowances and funds for the construction of houses for the families of martyred police officers were also part of the comprehensive welfare efforts.
Dr. Anwar emphasized the critical role of the Police Welfare Fund and departmental income sources in resolving employee issues, assuring continued support and relief for police personnel in all aspects of welfare moving forward.