LAHORE, Inspector General of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, conducted an open court at the Central Police Office, where he addressed the concerns of both citizens and police employees. The IG emphasized the priority of resolving citizens’ issues promptly and warned against any deliberate delays in redressal.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Anwar took immediate action upon hearing the grievances of the citizens, ordering inquiries and relief measures. He stressed the importance of timely resolution of issues, stating that officers found guilty of causing delays would be removed from field postings.
In addition to addressing citizens’ complaints, IG Punjab also met with police employees and their families to resolve their requests. He highlighted the necessity of addressing their welfare, retirement, and professional matters meritocratically and promptly. For the convenience of citizens, Dr. Anwar mentioned that an open court is being held daily at the Central Police Office. He also encouraged citizens to use the 1787 Complaint Center for registering any police-related complaints.