Lahore, Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar recently conducted an open court at the Central Police Office, focusing on addressing the issues of citizens and police officials. This session reflects the Punjab Police’s commitment to resolving public and internal grievances.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar emphasized the priority of solving citizens’ problems without any deliberate delays. He made it clear that any officer found guilty of delaying the redressal of citizens’ complaints would be removed from their field posting. This directive underscores the department’s dedication to prompt and fair service delivery.
Furthermore, IG Punjab sought reports from supervisory officers on the complaints raised by citizens, demonstrating a hands-on approach to problem-solving. The open court also provided a platform for police personnel and their families to voice their concerns and submit applications.
Dr. Usman Anwar stressed the importance of welfare in achieving good performance from the police force. He instructed that all applications related to discipline, administration, and welfare should be resolved on merit and as quickly as possible.
In a significant move to enhance accessibility and transparency, Dr. Anwar announced that open courts would be held daily at the Central Police Office. Citizens are encouraged to submit any police-related complaints at the 1787 Complaint Centre, facilitating a direct and efficient channel for addressing public concerns.
This initiative by the IG Punjab is part of a broader effort to improve the functioning and public perception of the Punjab Police, highlighting a proactive approach to community policing and internal affairs.