Lahore, Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, recently held a meeting with DPO Khushab, Tauqeer Muhammad Naeem, and his team at the Central Police Office, focusing on the progress and initiatives of Khushab Police. During the meeting, DPO Khushab reported a significant 31% reduction in the crime rate over the past four months, attributed to timely actions and effective investigations by the police force.
According to Punjab Police, the meeting also highlighted the transformation of all nine police stations in Khushab district under the Special Initiative Protocol. These model police stations now showcase elements reflecting regional culture and honor figures like Hazrat Wasif Ali Wasif, Khushwant Singh, and Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi, as well as the sacrifices of Khushab Police martyrs.
IG Punjab Dr. Anwar praised the district police for their successful operations against crime, including the arrest of 13 members of the notorious Dhoti gang, resolution of a gang rape case, a robbery at the residence of an overseas Pakistani, and several unsolved murders. He particularly noted the effective services provided by the Police Tahaffuz Center Khushab in addressing social problems and urged the expansion of the Tahaffuz markaz’s scope of work.
Citizens of Khushab expressed their gratitude towards IG Punjab for the improvements in police functioning and ensuring justice through timely actions. Dr. Anwar emphasized the importance of continued crackdowns against crime and encouraged the use of information technology to facilitate services for citizens. He stressed that no effort should be spared in serving the citizens with sincerity and good morals. The IG Punjab also directed that special initiative police stations should be open for inspection by doctors, lawyers, and other members of civil society, ensuring transparency and community engagement.
This meeting reflects a significant stride in enhancing police performance and public service in Khushab, setting a model for other districts to emulate.