Hurriyat Leaders Call on UN to Act on Kashmir Dispute, Citing Risks of Regional Instability

Srinagar: In a recent plea, Hurriyat leaders and affiliated organizations have urged the United Nations to actively engage in resolving the Kashmir dispute, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination to avoid a crisis akin to those in the Middle East. The leaders highlight the ongoing critical situation in Kashmir, underlining the region’s status as one of the oldest issues on the UN agenda that still requires decisive international action.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the statements released in Srinagar by various leaders and organizations stressed that Kashmir remains a pivotal challenge for the UN, necessitating sustained global focus. The territory, they asserted, is acknowledged as an international dispute under the jurisdiction of the UN Security Council, and the principle of self-determination is a crucial right protected by the UN Charter.

The statements further criticized the current policies of the Indian government towards Kashmir, arguing that these actions not only undermine the UN’s credibility but also violate international laws and conventions. The leaders expressed strong disapproval of India’s attempts to change the demographic structure of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), actions that directly contravene UN resolutions on the matter.

The leaders called on the UN to initiate measures to restore the Kashmiris’ inherent right to self-determination and to intervene to halt India’s demographic alterations in IIOJK. They underscored the urgency of UN involvement to prevent further escalation and potential regional instability.