Hurriyat Leader Syed Ali Gilani Remembered for His Unyielding Commitment to Kashmir’s Freedom

Paris: On the eve of the martyrdom anniversary of Syed Ali Gilani, the President of the Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Forum France, Mirza Asif Jaral, commemorated the veteran Hurriyat leader’s relentless pursuit for the freedom of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Jaral highlighted Gilani’s unwavering stance and resilience in the face of adversity.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mirza Asif Jaral expressed his profound respects to Gilani, describing him as a beacon for those engaged in the struggle for Kashmir’s liberation. He noted that despite repeated imprisonments by the Indian government and various strategies employed to undermine his resolve, Gilani remained steadfast, likening him to “a mountain of resistance.”

Jaral also addressed the Kashmiri populace, urging them to reject the legitimacy of imposed rulers and the electoral processes, which he argued do not equate to the right of self-determination or the UN-backed referendum. His message underscored the importance of adhering to the principles of freedom and resistance that Gilani embodied.