Hurriyat Leader Ghulam Muhammad Safi Calls for International Action Against Human Rights Violations in Kashmir

Islamabad: Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Convener of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (AJK Chapter), has made a strong appeal to the international community to address the severe human rights violations by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu Kashmir (IIOJK).

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in a Radio Pakistan interview on Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir, Safi criticized the revocation of Article 370 by India on August 5, 2019, stating it was an effort to change the demographic composition of the region. He described the ongoing suppression of various minority communities within IIOJK, emphasizing their denied rights and freedoms.

Safi called on global leaders to intervene decisively to halt India’s harsh policies in Kashmir and to support the Kashmiri pursuit of self-determination. He underscored the determination of the Kashmiri people to continue their struggle against Indian occupation.

Additionally, Safi acknowledged Radio Pakistan’s significant contribution to promoting the Kashmir cause, highlighting the media’s role in international advocacy.