Hurriyat Conference in Islamabad Marks ‘Takbeer Day,’ Asserts Pakistan’s Nuclear Tests as a Counter to Indian Pride

Islamabad, The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu Kashmir commemorated ‘Takbeer Day’ in Islamabad today, celebrating Pakistan’s historical nuclear tests which were portrayed as a significant check against Indian regional ambitions. The event focused on the geopolitical impact of Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities, developed in response to India’s nuclear program.

According to Kashmir Media Service, speakers at the function asserted that Pakistan’s nuclear explosions, which outnumbered India’s by one, effectively demolished India’s pride and curbed its aggressive postures towards Azad Jammu and Kashmir. They argued that these nuclear capabilities have been crucial in maintaining regional balance and preventing any threats from India.

The discourse at the event also critiqued the current political situation in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, particularly the conduct of elections under heavy military presence, which they claimed could not replace the need for a plebiscite under United Nations auspices. The speakers denounced the Modi government’s electoral approach as a distraction from the severe conditions in the region, alleging a peak in state terrorism and suppression of Kashmiri rights.

The assembly of Hurriyat leaders, which included prominent figures like Mahmood Ahmad Sagar and Ghulam Muhammad Safi, called on the international community to recognize the Kashmiris’ struggle for self-determination and to reject India’s territorial ambitions in line with existing Security Council resolutions.