HRW Report Accuses Modi of Islamophobic Rhetoric During Election Campaign

New Delhi: A Human Rights Watch (HRW) analysis has scrutinized Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speeches during the recent Lok Sabha elections, identifying a high frequency of Islamophobic content. Out of 173 campaign speeches, Modi allegedly made Islamophobic remarks in 110, targeting Muslim communities and other minorities.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the report by HRW outlined that Modi’s speeches and those of other leaders from his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) incited discrimination, hostility, and violence, potentially violating India’s obligations under international human rights laws. These laws mandate non-discrimination and equality before the law.

Elaine Pearson, HRW’s Asia director, criticized the Modi administration for normalizing abuses against Muslims, Christians, and other minorities. She stated, “These inflammatory speeches have further normalized abuses against Muslims, Christians, and others amidst a decade of attacks and discrimination under the Modi administration.”

The report also highlighted specific remarks by Modi, such as false claims about Muslim threats to Hindu places of worship and community safety, and assertions that Muslims would dominate Hindus demographically through higher birth rates. Modi’s references to Muslims as “infiltrators” and his claims that opposition parties would undermine Hindu religious sites were repeatedly mentioned.

HRW also drew attention to the broader context of Hindu nationalism, noting that Modi and BJP leaders’ rhetoric was not just limited to speeches but extended to social media and other public communication platforms, exacerbating communal tensions.

The report calls on the Modi government to reverse discriminatory policies, act against violence targeting minorities, and ensure justice for affected individuals, criticizing the prevailing culture of impunity.