Okara: The Chief Minister of Punjab, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, inaugurated the Honhaar Scholarship Program in Okara Division, distributing cheques and unveiling new laptops to enthusiastic students at the University of Okara. The event marked the 8th ceremony of the scholarship program, with students expressing excitement over receiving the latest laptops.
According to a statement by Chief Minister of Punjab, the ceremony included a guard of honor for students awarded the scholarships. A contingent of police presented a salute, and students narrated their success stories related to the scholarship program. The event was attended by assembly members from the Sahiwal division, and students seized the opportunity to present portraits and photographs to the Chief Minister.
The scholarships aim to support 1,438 students from the Sahiwal Division, totaling more than Rs. 7 crore 29 lac. Specific allocations include Rs. 1 crore 25 lac for 294 students of Sahiwal University, Rs. 42 lac 31 thousand for 110 students of the University of Okara, Rs. 4 crore 16 lac for 486 students of the University of Veterinary Animal Sciences, more than Rs. 1 crore 16 lac for 487 students of Government Colleges in Sahiwal Division, and Rs. 29 lac 29 thousand for 61 students of Sahiwal Medical College.
The event was marked by enthusiastic participation from the students, who welcomed the Chief Minister with mobile flashlights and took the opportunity to capture selfies with her, making the ceremony a memorable occasion for the attendees.