Historic Mumbai Mosque and Madrassa Face Demolition Threat Amid Legal Struggles

Karachi, Mumbai’s historic mosque and adjoining madrassa are under threat of demolition, with authorities citing the buildings’ ‘dilapidated’ condition. The Anjuman Ittihadul-Muslimeen, responsible for the administration of these religious and educational structures, faces an uphill battle in securing legal protection.

According to Kashmir Media Service, a fresh notice has been issued to the Anjuman, exacerbating concerns within the community. Efforts to obtain a stay order from the court have been unsuccessful, leaving the mosque and madrassa’s future uncertain.

The Anjuman Ittehadul-Muslimeen, established in 1987, has been a cornerstone for religious and educational activities in the area. The mosque, which has been hosting regular prayers since long before its formal registration, is a significant heritage site for the community.

Trustee Aslam Ismail Sheikh detailed the community’s challenges in protecting the mosque. Despite conducting an audit and submitting multiple reports to the government, their efforts have been met with rejection. “We approached a court, but did not get a stay,” Sheikh was quoted in media reports.

This development raises serious concerns about the preservation of historical and religious sites in Mumbai, particularly under the current political climate. The community continues to fight for the preservation of their mosque and madrassa, though hope for relief from the current administration and judiciary appears to be diminishing.