Chandigarh: In a tragic case of mistaken identity, a group of Hindutva cow vigilantes in Haryana killed a 19-year-old Hindu student, believing him and his friends to be cattle smugglers. The incident occurred in Faridabad, a major city in the state, leaving the local community in shock.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the victim, identified as Aryan Mishra, was a Grade XII student who was chased and subsequently killed by the vigilantes while driving his SUV. The attackers, notorious for their aggressive stance against cattle smuggling, mistakenly targeted Mishra and his friends, leading to a deadly confrontation.
The weapon used in the fatal attack was found to be illegal, and initial attempts by the suspects to hide its whereabouts further complicated the investigation. The heartbreaking situation has underscored the perilous consequences of unchecked vigilantism and sparked calls for increased accountability and justice.
The authorities are actively pursuing the case, determined to bring those responsible to justice and provide closure for Mishra’s grieving family. The ongoing investigation aims to address the broader issues of vigilante violence and ensure such tragic incidents are prevented in the future.