Hindutva mob kills Imam, torches mosque in Gurgaon

Gurgaon, August 01, 2023 (PPI-OT): Hindutva mob torched a mosque and killed its Imam in Gurgaon city of the Indian state of Haryana, today. The Hindutva mob burned down the mosque and killed its deputy imam (naib imam) Maulana Saad, aged 19, in Sector 57 of Gurgaon (also called Gurugram). The Hindutva mob also shot at and injured two other Muslims. Mohammad Aslam, a member of the mosque committee, told the media that the attackers arrived around midnight and were armed with swords, lathis, and guns.

The spokesman of citizen platform Gurgaon Ekta Manch, Altaf Ahmad, stated that the mosque used to be filled with people during Friday prayers. It was the only mosque in new Gurugram where Muslims could pray in congregation without disturbances or threats during the opposition to Namaz in open spaces in 2021-2022 by members of extremist Hindu organizations. However, now this mosque has also been burned down by communal forces.

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