Chandigarh, In anticipation of the farmers’ march to New Delhi scheduled for February 13, the Haryana government has implemented a temporary suspension of mobile internet services across seven districts to curb growing tensions. This preventive measure affects Ambala, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Jind, Hisar, Fatehabad, and Sirsa, with the shutdown beginning at 6 am on February 11 and set to conclude at 11 pm on February 13.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the decision to halt internet services was announced as part of the government’s efforts to maintain public order in light of the farmers’ protest. The march, organized by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha, is expected to draw participation from over 200 farmers’ unions. These unions are voicing their demands for legal assurance for Minimum Support Price (MSP), the implementation of the Swaminathan Commission’s recommendations, pensions for farmers and farm laborers, reduction of farm debts, among other issues.
Additionally, the government order includes the closure of borders between Punjab and Haryana in the districts of Ambala, Jind, and Fatehabad prior to the commencement of the march on February 13. This move signifies the government’s approach to handling the anticipated large-scale mobilization and its potential implications for public safety and order.
The farmers’ protest highlights ongoing grievances within the agricultural sector, including calls for more robust support mechanisms and reforms to ensure the welfare of the farming community. As the march approaches, both the authorities and the protesters are preparing for a significant demonstration of solidarity and demand for action on pressing agricultural issues.