Islamabad, The Green Pakistan Programme Office hosted a special tree planting ceremony to commemorate Earth Day, with Madam Rumina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Climate Change, leading the event at the programme’s office at Garden Avenue Shakarparian. Senior officers from the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination also participated.
According to Press Information Department, Madam Romina Khurshid Alam planted a symbolic tree during the ceremony, demonstrating the programme’s commitment to environmental conservation and land restoration. She praised the efforts of the Green Pakistan Programme in reviving forestry and wildlife resources throughout the country. She emphasized the importance of showcasing this work to attract support and donorship from national and international agencies.
The National Programme Director highlighted the programme’s achievements, noting the successful plantation of 2.2 billion trees and the creation of approximately 1.2 million green jobs (in man-months), benefiting both rural men and women. Additionally, the programme has helped designate 103 Protected Areas in provinces and federal territories, with 6 National Parks in the process of obtaining IUCN’s Green Listing, an internationally recognized standard.
The updated phase of the programme, submitted to the Planning Commission, includes a strong focus on carbon facilitation mechanisms, such as establishing carbon endowments, creating in-house capacities for designing carbon projects, and facilitating provinces and territories. The programme also prioritizes scientific forest management, national and international exchanges for cross-fertilization, and increased knowledge management, including media and awareness outreach.
In her concluding remarks, Ms. Romina Khurshid Alam highlighted the need for engaging young graduates as interns, using digital media, and facilitating exchanges with countries with similar environmental initiatives. She reiterated the government’s commitment to environmental sustainability and its dedication to reducing the impact of climate change. The Upscaling Green Pakistan Programme remains focused on these goals, serving as a flagship initiative for the country’s environmental efforts.